Auditing BBA VI Sem BBA N 605 Unit 4th Notes
Unit IV Recent trends in Auditing: Nature and Significance of Cost Audit, Tax Audit, Management Audit. Tax Audit Tax audit is done by an Auditor on behalf of the Government to make sure that every provisions of Income Tax has been compiled by the assesse or not. Practically it is not possible for the Income Tax department to verify each and every detail of the assesse. Tax audit can be conducted by a Chartered Accountant or any other person who can be appointed as an Auditor u/s 141 of the Companies Act, 2013. Mandatory Tax Audit According to Section(44 AB), provisions relating to Compulsory Tax Audit are as follows − If the total sales or gross receipts of a business during the previous year exceeds Rupees One Crore. If the gross receipt of a profession exceeds Rs. 25 lacs in previous year. If the business or profession of a person is covered under section 44AD, 44AE, 44B, 44BB, 44BBA and 44BBB and assesse claims that his income from said business is less t...