INDIAN BANKING SYSTEM Unit -4 , Notes BBA code N302
INDIAN BANKING SYSTEM UNIT IV Regional Rural and Co-operative banks in India: Functions; Role of regional rural and co-operative bank in rural India; Progress and performance . ESTABLISHING THE RRBS Even after nationalization, there were cultural concerns which made it difficult for commercial banks even under the ownership of government, to lend to farmers. So Regional Rural Banks were started to work in rural perspectives & they can lend to more & more farmers, who are in real need of money. To provide them constitutional background, a separate act was passed. VARIOUS PROBLEMS OF RRBs RRBs were considered as a low-cost organisation having a rural philosophy, local touch & pro-poor focus. Each bank was to be funded by a ‘Public Sector Bank’ (PSU), though; they were planned as the self-sustaining credit institutions which were able to refinance their core resources in themselves & were expected from the statutory pre-emptions. There were 196 R...